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Monday, November 9, 2009

I have talked to Gabe more today than I have in the last month!

I hope he stays high and dry........ok I hope he stays dry.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Then there were three

Four little birdies sitting in a tree, The yellow one flew away and then there were three.

Gabe isn't even gone and I miss him already

Hey son of mine.............enjoy your adventure

Gabriel's adventure

My son leaves me and his hometown tomorrow and I hope to handle this with maturity, after all this is what our kids are supposed to do. I hope he calls often, I hope he finds a good job and a place he loves to call home, most of all I hope he finds happiness.
I pray his guardian angel stays close to him.
Above is a picture I took of New Orleans last January. I am so glad we visited there so I can picture where he is.